
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Suitably Hirsute

In a largish transmogrification from my typical attitude, I have found myself more and more frequently striving to achieve what I like to call "Sexy Genius Hair."

Sexy Genius Hair, as you may have presupposed, is typically found on Sexy Geniuses.  Note the capitalization, which, as we all know, distinguishes a Sexy Genius family from a sexy genius family.  The former is fairly prevalent and found primarily in its native habitat of Television.  That latter is far more rare and found exclusively in The Real World (this family is far more difficult to classify due to the conflicting list of characteristics used by different scientists for classification).

But back to the point.  There are several major genuses of Sexy Genius, ranging from, to name but a few, the Awkwardly Adorable Sexy Genius to the Difficult and Actually Quite Rude but Fictionally Worth It Because He Is So Sexy Genius, to the Mysterious Sexy Genius; each can be relatively clearly categorized by its standard markings and iconic traits.  Sexy Genius Hair, however, can be found throughout the family, and often will vary in nature with the particular genus and even species.  Allow me to present some examples:

from here
image here
image from here

image via: here
via this tumblr

via this site that you probably shouldn't visit cause it looks shifty
As you can see, while it may be straight or curly, and even on rare occasions shortish, the real key to Sexy Genius Hair is that it must look simultaneously sexy, and yet also as though the Sexy Genius displaying it gives exactly zero bothers over it.  Indeed, it can and often will be mussed frequently, after which it magically returns to perfect sexiness.

Obviously, it is important to note that Sexy Genius Hair is found almost exclusively on the males.  Some scientists have argued that MPDG Hair is the female equivalent, but I maintain that the two are quite distinct and it is possible, though quite rare, for a female to achieve Sexy Genius Hair.

It is this belief which has inspired my own hirsute sartorial endeavors.  One specimen in particular could reasonably be cited as the genesis of my ambitions...
Alas, I have not yet quite achieved a perfect Sexy Genius Hair.  But today I got close.
And tomorrow I shall most likely try again.  Rome was not built in a day, nor do species evolve over night.  My Sexy Genius Hair is no more a simple endeavor than those, and so I press on with the struggle of looking effortless...


  1. "The illusion of effortlessness requires a great effort indeed."

  2. This is the best thing I think I've ever read.
