
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Prompt 10: The Prompt Was Stupid So I'm Making Up My Own....

...and it is to write my own 30 prompts.  Because these ones have been super ridiculous.  I think that next month I'll try this challenge again, but with these prompts because this way I know they'll be interesting (at least to me)

  1. Where did you grow up?  Share some memories...
  2. How do you best demonstrate your cooking skillz?  If you literally have zero skillz, then what is your best food-related story?
  3. What were your top 3 favorite movies growing up?
  4. What is your favorite fairy tale and why?
  5. What is your favorite non-big-5 holiday (not Christmas, Halloween, New Year, or Easter) and why?
  6. Which literary world would you pick to live in instead of reality, and why?  Remember, you get alllll the parts of your chosen world, good as well as bad.
  7. What books are you most looking forward to sharing with your children and why?
  8. What superhero do you wish was your best friends with and why?  Also, which version of him or her?
  9. What are the bottom five most shameful songs in your collection?
  10. What always makes you cry? Song/movie/story/commercial/etc
  11. If you were to suddenly develop a mental illness, which is most likely for your personality?
  12. If you had to have a mental illness, but you got to pick, which would you pick?
  13. What are your top 3-5 favorite jokes?
  14. What is your dream career (regardless of its actual existence)?
  15. What is one random, non-touristy place you want to visit?
  16. What are your top 5 secretly favorite features/abilities/attributes about yourself?
  17. Is there anything you wish people knew about you?
  18. What is your weirdest food eccentricity?
  19. What are your five favorite fantasy wardrobe items?
  20. What is your best story?
  21. Which Disney film is your favorite and why?
  22. What's the best meal you've ever eaten and why?
  23. What is one skill you wish you had the time/money/resources to learn?
  24. If you could instantly change one single thing about yourself what would it be? How do you feel about that?
  25. What are your top 5 biggest pet peeves?
  26. Is there anything you secretly love/want that you're afraid to admit because you don't think people will think it is "you"?  (does this even make sense?)
  27. Where are your top 3 dream cities to live in and why?
  28. You showed up to work with a black did you get it?  
  29. The Doctor shows up.  After the obligatory world-saving, where is the first place you'd go?
  30. What are 5 songs you love to belt out in the car?  

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